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About this blog

This is the new RSS import from my old blog site for the weather coverage for the folks that may be running an event at the Lincoln Airport site. For those that don't know, this site is where the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America) holds the annual Solo National Championship as well as National Tour and ProSolo events. It's a huge expanse of concrete our in the middle of corn fields that can be a dangerous place to be during bad weather. 

The original blog post started last year (September 2018) on my old blog site (starting with this post I believe... ( http://blog.northgeorgiawx.com/weather-blog/scca-national-championship-morning-weather-briefing-for-friday-august-31). It was probably one of if not the rainiest National Championship ever, and I am VERY glad I missed it. I will be going back again this year to try one more time to finish better than 3rd place, and maybe the last time, we'll see. But whether I go again or not, I'll still be covering the weather. 🙂 


Entries in this blog

2023 SCCA Solo National Championship Weather - 08/30/23

Good afternoon! Sorry, I've been pre-occupied with a hurricane, so now I can re-focus. 🙂 It's gonna be hot. There really isn't much to discuss, hot and dry are the two key words for the next 7 days. Oh... and no rain. These are the official forecast high temperatures. The DOW is in the top right corner of each image.   Zero rainfall through 2 PM Thursday the 7th. Or so the Weather Prediction Center says.   Dew points will remain i

2023 SCCA Solo National Championship Weather - 08/27/23

Good morning! I've been spending my energy watching the tropical system in the Gulf, so it is time to re-focus. We're getting close to September 1 (and the start of meteorological fall), and we are now in range of the official NWS forecast. First, there is no sign of rain through about the 6th of the month, so that's the good news. The bad news is of course, the heat. Fortunately, the worst of the heat will remain just to the south over Kansas, at least to start with. We'll start with

2023 SCCA Solo National Championship Weather - 08/25/23

Good afternoon! Well, 7 days until the ProSolo starts, so we will now be able to give you a little better idea what to expect with the weather. I hope I didn't get too many hopes up about cooler weather, because  I think we can forget about any hope of that happening. The core of the high pressure and the heat, is going to be centered almost directly over Nebraska. Let's just call it the bullseye like it is. Here are the three major global deterministic models, the GFS, Euro, and Canad

2023 SCCA Solo National Championship Weather - 08/24/23

Good afternoon! Instead of using a weather picture as the featured phot on the post, I'd thought I'd dig back through my pictures from past Nationals and highlight a few that I thought were cool. Try to guess the year, and you'll have to tell me who's car it is. 🙂 I'm still focused on the ProSolo for the next day or two, but also watching the 4th-8th for anything major. If you are driving in the ProSolo and dreading the heat in Lincoln, then things may be looking up, at least for part

2023 SCCA Solo National Championship Weather - 08/22/23

Good morning! We are inching closer to the realm of the medium range global models, so that will be a big help. Yesterday I left out the ProSolo folks, so I wanted to touch on that today. First we'll look at the ensembles, since we are just a little too far out to rely on the deterministic models right now. Tropical Storm Harold will be making landfall today over Texas, and that will be bringing some rainfall to Lincoln next Saturday and Sunday. The rain and moisture will wrap around a

2023 SCCA Solo National Championship Weather

Good afternoon everyone! It's been a while since I've posted, but it's that time again! We are still pretty far out in time for most of the computer models, but a few of the ensembles may give us a hint as to what everyone might expect for the start of the Nationals. The Euro ensemble goes out to 15 days, so this is what Tuesday, September 5 looks like to the Euro in terms of temperature anomalies.   The GFS goes out slightly further but not much. It's thinking warmer tem
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