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    Welcome to the NorthGeorgiaWX discussion website!
    New changes in our policy now require you to register to gain access to forums.  Once registered and logged in, you will be able to contribute to this site by submitting your own content or replying to existing content. You can also customize your profile, receive reputation points as a reward for submitting content, while also communicating with other members via your own private inbox, plus much more! Once you are registered and logged in, this message will no longer appear.
    Note: Your "Display Name" that you create cannot have any spaces in it.

    Starting on 5/22/23, I will be reworking the website, so things may or may not work. Please be patient while we undergo the new changes.

  • Current view from Big Canoe Georgia

    Welcome to the North Georgia Weather discussion site!

    This site is part of a family of websites and social media sites that will eventually become an integrated source of weather information for the North Georgia area.

    I generally try to make a post every morning in the forum called "Weather for North Georgia", where I bring you daily weather information, a look ahead at potential changes, as well as other interesting weather information. There is an another forum called "Weather Events", and it contains posts about specific weather events, as well winter weather discussions. In addition to the discussion forums, there are several pages of weather information including Area Forecast Discussions from around the southeast as well as a weather summary page with charts and maps under the menu item "Quick Weather Summary".

    I also use the site for my own personal blog and things that we're doing, so if you're interested, feel free to explore!

    When you initially sign up, you will become part of the "Member" group which has certain elevated rights/restrictions which allow you to post images and participate in the discussions, but more importantly, you can selectively follow any forum or post and get automatic notifications of any updates.

    I hope you enjoy the site!


  • Significant Georgia Weather Information

    (Not always current, please check the date)

    Winter Storm Watch for Tuesday

    Today's Weather from the Atlanta NWS office

    Today's Weather for GA

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