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Weather on This Date - March 26




Today in Weather History
for March 26 

March 26, 1913 
The Ohio River Basin flood reached a peak. Ten inch rains over a wide area of the Ohio River Basin inundated cities in Ohio, drowning 467 persons, and causing 147 million dollars damage. The Miami River at Dayton reached a level eight feet higher than ever before. The flood, caused by warm weather and heavy rains, was the second mostly deadly of record for the nation. (David Ludlum) 

March 26, 1954 
The temperature at Allaket, AK, plunged to 69 degrees below zero. (The Weather Channel) 

March 26, 1971 
Parts of northern and central Georgia experienced their worst snow and ice storm since 1935. Two day power outages ruined two million eggs at poultry hatches. Two persons were killed when a tree landed on their car. (25th-26th) (The Weather Channel) 

March 26, 1987 
A cold front crossing the Plateau Region produced high winds in Utah causing some property damage. Winds gusted to 51 mph at Salt Lake City. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data) 

March 26, 1988 
Twenty cities in the southwestern U.S. reported new record high temperatures for the date. Afternoon highs of 73 degrees at Flagstaff AZ, 90 degrees at Sacramento CA, 95 degrees at Santa Maria CA, 95 degrees at Los Angeles CA, 99 degrees at Tucson AZ, and 100 degrees at Phoenix AZ set records for March. (The National Weather Summary) 

March 26, 1989 
The Easter Bunny brought record warm temperatures to the central U.S. while such records were still welcome. A dozen cities reported record warm readings, including Dodge City KS with an afternoon high of 88 degrees. Strong southerly winds gusted to 51 mph at Dodge City, and reached 55 mph at Salina KS. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data) 

March 26, 1990 
Fair weather prevailed across the nation for the second day in a row. Freezing temperatures were reported in the Middle Atlantic Coast Region in the wake of an early spring snowstorm. Afternoon highs were again in the 70's and 80's in the southeastern U.S., and for the ninth day in a row, temperatures in the southwestern U.S. reached the 90's. (The National Weather Summary) 

March 26, 1999
A deep cold core upper low moving slowly east across the Southern Appalachians (Habersham, Rabun and Stephens Counties) brought a round of light snow, accompanied by heavier bursts of sleet and hail as thunderstorms developed. Accumulations ranged between 1 and 3 inches. (NWS Atlanta)

Data courtesy of WeatherForYou





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