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About this blog

I thought I'd add a different kind of blog than cars or weather, so here's one for my general personal activities. It will primarily be travel, but it could be about anything that I feel like sharing. 

Entries in this blog

Christmas Village Diorama - Part 13

I decided to combine October 27, 29, and 30 into one post. ----------------------------- 10/27/16 - More Changes I've decided to pull up the deciduous trees. I originally wanted to go for a late fall/early winter type of look, but that just isn't going to work with this winter layout. I have ordered new tree armatures so I can make 5 (5-7" tall) new deciduous trees with no leaves. It will be more fitting to the winter look of the diorama. I should have those early next week a


NorthGeorgiaWX in Loop

2023 AGLCA Fall Rendezvous

We just got back from the looper gathering at Wheeler State Park over in Alabama, and what an amazing event. So much information, so many beautiful boats (all types), and some of the nicest people that you could ever meet. Many people that were there are in the planning stages, but others are in progress, and others are Gold and Platinum loopers (gold is twice, platinum is more than twice). There were numerous seminars about all aspects of doing the loop, from wind and weather, anchoring, buying


NorthGeorgiaWX in Loop

The Start of The Great Adventure

Ever since we were down in the Keys, I've had this desire to get back on the water. My fun on the water started when I was 7 years old and continued through high school. My dad had been a fighter pilot in the Air Force and weather was an important thing to know when flying. So when he put me in charge of keeping track of the weather, I handled that job until I left for college. We went through three boats before I went off to college and missed the rest of the fun, but during the time I was ther


NorthGeorgiaWX in Loop

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