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2021 Solo National Championship - 09/05/21



Good morning!

There will be a chance for a little severe weather this morning and with that chance comes some hail with it. Make sure the cars and other items are put away if possible. A severe watch is not anticipated. The rest of the week will be rain free and chances for rain don't return until next weekend. 



Current (5:20 am CDT) radar




Monday through Saturday

The remainder of the forecast is characterized by rising mid-level heights in association with a building ridge that slowly pushes east towards the central CONUS. With most of the strongest forcing for ascent expected to be kept well north of the area, any chances for widespread rain or storm activity are expected to steer clear of eastern Nebraska and southwestern Iowa.

Low-end chances for showers and storms will likely pop up at some point during the week, but where and when will remain questionable until we get closer. With strong signals for above-normal temperatures through the work week, the area is in for a reminder that summer isn't over quiet yet. Temperatures currently are hedged on the lower end of the distribution via the NBM from Tuesday through Thursday but as we get closer and the signals for increased warmth become stronger, we could see those highs pushed into the upper 80`s to near 90 in some spots.

The area's best chance for rain in the extended forecast period could come in the form of a shortwave trough Saturday, but by that point models are in disagreement in terms of how strong this system could be, how far east this system will be located Saturday, and how widespread precip coverage could be.

Regardless if you are hoping for any rainfall through the week, you`ll likely be disappointed by hot and largely dry weather.




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